Dang. Rouge looks GORE-geous in this niffy Halloween costume.
Dang. Rouge looks GORE-geous in this niffy Halloween costume.
Gotta love good ol' Slimer.
I could say that's some neat 3D Model on both Bomberman and that little crit. <3
It's Trick or Treat but it seems oddly different.
Luigi's still scared of ghosts and yet he still manages to finish them up piece by piece. xD
I might be impressed. That's some good lookin' designs around each character, that is.
This is actually good. Love it!
I feel like Tricky would be the next hitman. I mean he looks se-.
Steve looks very smug here. ):]
I feel like Glep might replace Link and defeat the forces of evil, including Ganon.
I'm just a weird kind of guy.
Male/Straight/19 y/o/ Artist/Animator/Autistic/ADHD or ASD.
Just want to share something to express myself and to share to one of y'all xD.
Been here est. 2010s
Brooklyn, NY
Joined on 3/30/24