I may have saw this many times on YouTube, and I already know it's classic, so...
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I may have saw this many times on YouTube, and I already know it's classic, so...
As much as I have found this series yet or not, may your life be filled with great memories with the series for all of us as you rest peacefully in eternity.
Just a good wacky Christmas toon I may have or haven't seen before. Overall, it's good either way. :)
It gives me the feeling of Forgotten Land vibes but in retro-style.
It gets more challenging every step. and I like it.
I haven't played Tower Defense after all these years, now I get to have a chance to play it once more.
This should be coming in handy for my relaxation whenever stress built up upon me.
Why am I getting a bit of 2010s metal vibes everywhere cuz this is some good shit.
Probably because I'm old as FUUUUUUCK! haha, thanks mang!
Pretty much an y2k alien at this point and I love it.
No wonder this art had such an outerworld-ly design, and it gives off space vibes.
Weirdcore vibes. x3
I'm just a weird kind of guy.
Male/Straight/19 y/o/ Artist/Animator/Autistic/ADHD or ASD.
Just want to share something to express myself and to share to one of y'all xD.
Been here est. 2010s
Brooklyn, NY
Joined on 3/30/24